2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch – Gigglepin Australia

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2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch
2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch

2-SPEED Gigglepin GP100 Twin Motor Competition Winch

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This electric winch has been tested vigorously, the GP100 won its first competitive outing and has been dominating the off-road world (worldwide) ever-since, winning such events as the Croatia Trophy, Breslau Rallye, Graf Trophy, Portugal Extrem, Thailand Extreme, the Ultra4 European Championship, to name a few. With off-load line speeds from 24m up to 182m per minute, there is a GP100 for everyone!

Gigglepin Winches are proud to announce their NEW 2-SPEED family!
2-SPEED Winches, 2-SPEED Top Housings
 and 2-SPEED Gear Sets.

The Gigglepin 2-SPEED Gear family offer unrivalled versatility, letting you seamlessly change between low and high gears at the flick of a switch. This innovation marks a first for Gigglepin, combining our renowned reliability and build quality with 2-speed functionality in one unit. Designed for those who demand precision and speed, this cutting-edge 2-SPEED is perfect for any challenge.

With over three years of testing in the field and on test rigs, these 2-SPEED units have already proven themselves by winning events in Europe and withstanding imposed loads of over 13 tons during tests.

The NEW 2-SPEED gives you Power, Speed and Control.
Power: Use low gear to give you unrivalled strength and Power
Speed: Switch to high gear and unleash the Speed for fast recoveries and line retrieval.
Control: Two ratios allow you to have Control over all your recovery situations allowing you to be safer and more efficient

What is the NEW 2-SPEED family?

The NEW 2-SPEED family is available as three different options. You can choose from:

  • 2-SPEED Winches - Factory built GP100, GP50 and GP25 Winches with the NEW 2-SPEED gears installed and ready for action
  • 2-SPEED Gear Sets - these gear sets can be retro fitted to upgrade your existing GP100, GP50 and GP25; or any winch fitted with a Gigglepin top housing manufactured after 2017
  • 2-SPEED Top Housings - these are available in Twin-Motor and Single-Motor configurations to fit all existing models and older Gigglepin GP80, Warn 8274 and 8074 winches

What makes the NEW 2-SPEED so good?

The NEW 2-SPEED family from Gigglepin Winches raises the bar for performance winching and has the following key features:

  • Multiple gear choices in low and high ratios
  • Timed gearing for silky smooth operation
  • Easy to fit to existing winches
  • Heat treated gears and engagement dogs for unparalleled strength
  • Air activation that defaults to the low ratio if air is lost
  • Externally mounted air system means no possibility of air leaks inside the winch
  • Stainless steel external hardware for corrosion resistance
  • 7 engagement dogs for maximum strength
  • Neutral gear positioning allowing gear changes while at speed
  • Proven to handle over 13 tons of loading during testing
  • Gigglepin reliability and build quality with worldwide support

What ratios are available?

Low ratio options:

+ 00% (133.28:1)                       

+ 15% (115.41:1)                        

+ 25% (100.94:1)                        

+ 40% (83.75:1)                          

High Ratio options:

+ 15% (115.41:1)                        

+ 25% (100.94:1)                        

+ 40% (83.75:1)                          

+ 50% (66.56:1)                          

+ 60% (53.68:1)   

Need even more speed? Pair with Hellfire or Hurricane Gears! Note: Hell–Fire gear ratios have been updated to work with the NEW 2-SPEED Gears.

Can be fitted with Hurricane and/or Hellfire Gears at time of order at no extra cost - see chart below.

What else do I need to operate 2-SPEED systems?

The New 2-SPEED family require a regulated air feed to make them operate. You will need an air supply with a minimum air pressure of 80psi and a maximum pressure of 150psi to operate the system. We recommend using ARB mini, high-output and twin motor compressors.

It also has the following amazing features-

  • Super smooth air operated FreeSpool drum,
  • Stronger, lightweight, cast aluminium housings,
  • High performance EN36 heat treated gears,
  • Three drum sizes - Short 10” (254mm), Standard 13” (+76mm), Long 14.5” (+114mm),
  • 11 Roller bearings for silky smooth operation,
  • Removable stainless steel Brake Pawl mount,
  • Fully submersible,
  • Supplied with Bow Motor 2 (12V or 24V),
  • Gigglepin Solenoids, PowerBars and Wiring (Pro 100 as standard, Pro 150 as optional extra)
  • 18 symmetrical M12 mounting points,
  • Super strong polished stainless steel Fairlead,
  • External ratchet brake,
  • Billet drum end plate with rear BraceBars,
  • Oil Filled gearbox for perfect lubrication,
  • Large drain and filler plugs,
  • Serial numbered for traceability,
  • Can be supplied with Gigglepin MBS system,
  • Designed and built in UK.


3 Year Mechanical Warranty (Motors and Solenoids not included)

* Can be supplied with Hellfire Gears to give more ratio options at no extra cost!

    3 Year Warranty on mechanical parts (motors and solenoids not included)

    Dimensions sheets for all three drum sizes available to download here -
    Standard Drum (76mm Longer than Warn 8274)
    Short Drum (Same as Warn 8274)
    Long Drum (114mm Longer than Warn 8274)

    Winch Weights & Shipping Weights -

    Winch Type Actual Weight Shipping Weight
    GP100 Standard Drum 57.5kg 67kg
    GP100 Short Drum 55.6kg 65kg
    GP100 Long Drum 58.5kg 68kg
    GP100 Standard Drum with MBS 60.5kg 70kg
    GP100 Short Drum with MBS 59.6kg 68kg
    GP100 Long Drum with MBS 61.5kg 71kg

    The Hurricane Gear set offers the following speed increases:

    Standard ratios                              Fitted with Hurricane gears

    + 00%    133.28:1                            Becomes +31%   91.82:1

    + 15%    115.41:1                             Becomes +40%   79.50:1

    + 25%    100.94:1                            Becomes +48%   69.53:1

    + 40%      83.75:1                             Becomes +57%   57.69:1

    + 50%      66.56:1                             Becomes +66%   45.86:1

    + 60%      53.68:1                             Becomes +72%   36.98:1

    The NEW Hellfire gears are made from our usual heat treated EN36 steel, and offer the following speed increases when using a standard GP mainshaft:

    Standard GP100 ratios         Fitted with Hellfire gears
    + 00% 133.28:1                     Becomes +55% 59.39:1
    + 15% 115.41:1                     Becomes +61% 51.43:1
    + 25% 100.94:1                     Becomes +66% 44.98:1
    + 40% 83.75:1                       Becomes +72% 37.32:1
    + 50% 66.56:1                       Becomes +78% 29.66:1
    + 60% 53.68:1                       Becomes +82% 23.92:1

    The NEW Hellfire gears offer the following speed increases when combined with the Hurricane gears:

    Standard GP100 ratios                Fitted with Hurricane and Hellfire gears

    + 00% 133.28:1                         Becomes +69% 40.92:1
    + 15% 115.41:1                         Becomes +73% 35.43:1
    + 25% 100.94:1                         Becomes +77% 30.99:1
    + 40% 83.75:1                           Becomes +81% 25.71:1
    + 50% 66.56:1                           Becomes +85% 20.43:1
    + 60% 53.68:1                           Becomes +88% 16.48:1

    24V System available upon request.
    If you are unsure of your winching requirements, or have any questions or queries, please get in touch.


    Product Brand: Gigglepin
    Product Code: GP1002S